Možeš li ih prepoznati? BTS su u novi spot uključili hrpu filmskih poveznica – od Narnije do Kralja lavova
Dečki iz BTS-a zadnjim su spotom oduševili! Nije na YouTube ni jedan cijeli dan, a već ima 40 milijuna pregleda, i hrpetinu pozitivnih komentara. Drugačiji je od njihovih dosadašnjih spotova, ali fanovi nisu ostali razočarani.
1.Kronike iz Narnije: Lav, vještica i ormar
Tell me im not the only one who thought of the battle of Narnia seeing this? Might not be a reference but they do have similarities. #BTSStreamingParty #BTSARMY #ONMusicVideo #ONVIDEOPARTY pic.twitter.com/Auzk774tv2
— villaneve bread⁷ (@billanelle) February 27, 2020
2.Noina Arka
Is Namjoon supposed to be Noah? That's Noah's Ark right there but the animals are not in pair skdnsk. Namjoon's Ark?#BringItON #ONMusicVideo @BTS_twt pic.twitter.com/qdOahyIKtq
— Kim (@wingscouldflyyy) February 27, 2020
3.Divergent (Različita)
One of the scene in divergents! BTS are intellectuals omg!! @army_society @BTS_twt #BTSON pic.twitter.com/NTz1SJABm1
— jc (@jc_minimoni) February 27, 2020
4.Maleficent (Gospodarica zla)
the settings looks like Maleficent’s moors#ONVIDEOPARTY pic.twitter.com/8Kebg6TqLG
— iaia (@kookiesplanets) February 27, 2020
5.Pirati s Kariba
can’t help but imagine taehyung in pirates of the caribbean ... pic.twitter.com/i2e4xZgPHA
— ugh! (@luvelycherry) February 27, 2020
6.The Hunger Games (Igre gladi)
— michi (@joonikii) February 27, 2020
When Jungkook put his hands that were bounded with the thorns, once he put his hands into the lake, he was free, which reminds me of the hunger games when katniss got poisoned by the poisonous fog and once she put herself in water it stopped hurting her. pic.twitter.com/OOrEXEpfEm
7.The Maze Runner (Labirint)
8.Lord of the Flies (Gospodar muha)
conch shell: appears
— toniBA (@astralgic) February 27, 2020
me: is this a lord of the flies reference pic.twitter.com/YZ4gyeJKSV
9.Bird Box
— mαcy STREAM ON (@YOONSOTY) February 27, 2020
#ONVIDEOPARTY pic.twitter.com/q6r2Nduq4C
10.Kralj lavova
Come Prima: "In the same manner as the first time"
— K-Charts & Translations (@charts_k) February 27, 2020
At the end, they brought it all the way back to the start: NO MORE DREAM
Like in The Lion King, it's the Circle of Life #BringItON #ONMusicVideo pic.twitter.com/DT8xBzSpoL
Koliko ste ovih filmskih poveznica prepoznali? Sada kada ih sve znaš, spot će ti biti još više fora.
Foto: YouTube/ YouTube printscreen/ Twitter
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