Cool, otkačeno i originalno – 15 najboljih jesenskih citata za Instagram
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Foto: Teen385
Mi smo tu da pomognemo – ovo su naši zabavniotkačenicool jesenski prijedlozi:
Ovih tjedana svi se fotkaju s bundevama, rade gifove s bacanjem lišća u zrak, drže se s dečkom za rukice u šumi ili fotkaju vrganje. Jesen je idealna za najljepše Instagram fotke – true that.
No, čak i kad snimiš idealnu fotku nedostaje ti savršeni citati da imaš dobitnu kombinaciju za tisuću lajkova. Mi smo tu da pomognemo – ovo su naši zabavni/otkačeni/cool jesenski prijedlozi:
'An apple a day keeps anyone away if you throw it hard enough'
'There are two times of the year: Autumn and waiting for Autumn'
'I hope I can be the autumn leaf, who looked at the sky and lived' — Dodinsky
'I'm so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers.'― L.M. Montgomery
'Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower' — Albert Camus
'Anyone who thinks fallen leaves are dead has never watched them dancing on a windy day' — Shira Tamir
'Autumn...the year's last, loveliest smile.'― John Howard Bryant
'My favorite color is October'
'But these are days we dream about when the sunlight paints us gold'— Bright Eyes
'If a year was tucked inside of a clock, then autumn would be the magic hour.'— Victoria Erickson
A kad si već na Instagramu svakako zaprati i naš profil Teen385 i postani dio prelude ekipe! Čekamo teee!