GIRL POWER! 22 girly pjesme koje trebaš dodati na svoju playlistu pod hitno
Bilo da tražite neki poticaj ili samo trebate podsjetnik na to koliko ste jake i moćne djevojke i žene, postoji velik broj predobrih pjesama, a na vama je samo da odaberete njih nekoliko za svaku situaciju.
Ovdje su neke od najboljih pjesama koje će te podsjetiti na to koliko je dobro biti djevojka i koliko ste jake i moćne:
1. 'Girl' – Maren Morris
Svi oni usponi i padovi su normalni, a djevojke se mogu suočiti s bilo čim. Najsnažniji stih: 'Baby girl, don't you hang your head low / Don't you lose your halo / Everyone's gonna be okay'.
2. 'Nunya' - Kehlani ft. Dom Kennedy
Potrebno je neko vrijeme da vaš bivši shvati što mu nedostaje, ali kada to učini, shvatit će da je izgubio najbolju stvar koju je ikad imao. Najsnažniji stih: 'You put on a show / 'Cause you don't want the world to know / That you lost a girl who got it on her own / It'd be good for you to let it go'.
3. 'Confident' - Demi Lovato
Nemojte nikada nikome dopustiti da vam uništi samopouzdanje. Najsnažniji stih: 'So you say I'm complicated / That I must be outta my mind / But you had me underrated, rated, rated / What's wrong with being, what's wrong with being, what's wrong with being confident?'
4. 'Hey Girl' - Lady Gaga and Florence Welsh
Hej djevojke, trebamo uvijek čuvati leđa jedne drugima! Najsnažniji stih: 'Hey girl, hey girl / We can make it easy if we lift each other / Hey girl, hey girl / We don't need to keep on one-in' up another / Hey girl, hey girl / Hey girl, hey girl / If you lose your way / Just know that I got you'.
5. 'Run the World (Girls)' - Beyoncé
U slučaju da trebate podsjetnik. Najsnažniji stih: 'Who run the world? / Girls'.
6. 'That's My Girl' - Fifth Harmony
Ako se ikada trebate osjećati kao da možete napraviti bilo što, ovo je pjesma za vas. Najsnažniji stih: 'You've been down before / You've been hurt before / You got up before / You'll be good to go, good to go'.
7. 'Do What U Want' - Lady Gaga and Christina Aguilera
Čak i kad te ljudi pokušavaju omalovažavati i nabiti ti osjećaj manje vrijednosti, njihove riječi neće te moći povrijediti uz ovu pjesmu. Najsnažniji stih: ' Write what you want, say what you want 'bout me / If you're wondering, know that I'm not sorry'.
8. 'God is a Woman' - Ariana Grande
Ariana Grande je dokazala da je Bog žena. Pjesma je izazvala burne reakcije, a mnogi vjerni fanovi, kao i mediji, veličaju ovu pjesmu koja govori o ženskoj snazi i moći. Najbolji stih: 'And I can be all the things you told me not to be / When you try to come for me, I keep on flourishing / And he see the universe when I'm in company / It's all in me'.
9. 'Man! I Feel Like A Woman' - Shania Twain
Shania Twain je razbila rodnu barijeru još 2003. godine i od tada se nije zaustavila. Najsnažniji stih: 'I want to be free yeah, to feel the way I feel / Man! I feel like a woman!'.
10. 'Wannabe' - Spice Girls
Ne postoji djevojka na ovoj planeti koja nije poželjela biti jedna od Spajsica. Koja je tvoja omiljena? Baby ili Sporty Spice? Najsnažniji stih: 'If you wanna be my lover, you gotta get with my friends / Make it last forever, friendship never ends / If you wanna be my lover, you have got to give / Taking is too easy, but that's the way it is'.
11. 'Woman' – Kesha
Nevjerojatno je biti žena i nemoj to nikada zaboraviti. Najsnažniji stih: 'I'm a motherf*cking woman, baby, alright / I don't need a man to be holding me too tight / I’m a motherf*cking woman, baby, that's right / I'm just having fun with my ladies here tonight'.
12. 'Salute' - Little Mix
Svaka ekipa djevojaka treba odgovarajuće jakne i himnu poput ove. Najsnažniji stih: 'Ladies all across the world, listen up, we're looking for recruits / If you with me, let me see your hands, stand up and salute / Get your killer heels, sneakers, pumps or lace up your boots / Representing all the women, salute'.
13. 'Diva' – Beyoncé
14. 'Love Myself' - Hailee Steinfeld
U slučaju da vas treba podsjetiti - ne trebate nikoga! Uvijek trebate biti dovoljne i sretne same sa sobom. Najsnažniji stih: 'I love me / Can’t help myself, no, I don’t need anybody else / Anytime, day or night'.
15. 'Shake It Off' - Taylor Swift
Ponekad, samo trebaš otresti sve hejtere. Najsnažniji stih: 'Cause the players gonna play, play, play, play, play / And the haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate / Baby, I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake / I shake it off, I shake it off'.
16. 'Scars to Your Beautiful' - Alessia Cara
Svatko je lijep na svoj način. Najsnažniji stih: 'But there's a hope that's waiting for you in the dark / You should know you're beautiful just the way you are / And you don't have to change a thing, the world could change its heart / No scars to your beautiful, we're stars and we're beautiful'.
17. 'Stronger' - Kelly Clarkson
Ponekad se samo morate ponovno ustati i nastaviti dalje. Najsnažniji stih: 'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger / Stand a little taller / Doesn't mean I'm lonely when I'm alone / What doesn't kill you makes a fighter / Footsteps even lighter / Doesn't mean I'm over 'cause you're gone'.
18. 'Firework' - Katy Perry
News flash: Ti si predobra! Najsnažniji stih: 'You don't have to feel like a waste of space / You're original, cannot be replaced / If you only knew what the future holds / After a hurricane comes a rainbow'.
19. 'Stronger' - Britney Spears
Neki ljudi mogu misliti da ih trebate u svom životu, ali to zapravo nije istina. Najsnažniji stih: 'I'm not your property as from today, baby / You might think that I won't make it on my own / But now I'm / Stronger than yesterday / Now it's nothing but my way'.
20. 'Making the Most of the Night' - Carly Rae Jepsen
Sve što vam je potrebno su vaše BFF kad ste loše volje. Najsnažniji stih: 'I know you've had a rough time / Here I've come to hijack you (hijack you), I'll love you while / I'm making the most of the night'.
21. 'IDGAF' - Dua Lipa
Svaki put kad se tvoj dragi pokuša ispričati nakon što je zabrljao, pusti ovu pjesmu. Najsnažniji stih: 'Well, I'm too busy for your business / Go find a girl who wants to listen / 'Cause if you think I was born yesterday / You have got me wrong'.
22. 'Independent Women (Part 1)' - Destiny's Child
Ultimativna ženska himna za apsolutno svaku ženu! Najsnažniji stih: 'Question, tell me how you feel about this / Try to control me, boy, you get dismissed / Pay my own fun, oh, and I pay my own bills / Always fifty fifty in relationships'.
Foto: Freepik/ YouTube
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