[DRAMA ALERT] Fanovi su bijesni zbog svega što su našli u svojim novim Jaclyn Hill ruževima
Oni koji su kupili neki njezin ruž tvrde da je njegova tekstura koma i da su nalazili čak i sitne dlačice unutar samog proizvoda.
Sjećate li se kad su fanovi tvrdili da su pronašli dlake u highlighterima Jeffree Star-a? Pa, ovo je poput deja vu-a jer se ista stvar događa s YouTubericom Jaclyn Hill. 30. svibnja je pokrenula svoj novi beuty brand Jaclyn Cosmetics s nizom nude ruževa za usne. Nekoliko tjedana kasnije, fanovi su dobili proizvod poštom, a neki su naišli na neugodna iznenađenja kada su otvorili svoje paketiće i ugledali ruževe. Neki fanovi tvrde da su pronašli sićušne dlake unutar samog ruža. YouTuberica RawBeautyKristi je čak stavila svoj ruž pod mikroskop kako bi izbliza prikazala ta vlakna.
Watching @RawBeautyKristi newest video on the Jaclyn Hill lipsticks and I am disgusted hope they figure out what the hell went wrong and fix it! I would’ve been pissed if I had spent my money on those lipsticks. Btw thank you Kristi for going so in depth and showing everything pic.twitter.com/9le5AT89J9
— Alana Gilmore (@_alanagilmore) June 9, 2019
yes the lipstick is sweating because it just got delivered and it’s 80+ out today...but @Jaclynhill @jaclyncosmetics my sofia and one other shade in my order had this fuzz/lint on my bullet fresh out of the component
— NickyT (@tarantino_nick) June 6, 2019
i’m not trying to shade you like I think some other people are pic.twitter.com/e14y89cREq
VERY first lipstick I opened from my set of 20 that arrived today. I’m disgusted and appalled. Requesting a refund ASAP. I am pregnant and REFUSE to put these anywhere near my lips@Jaclynhill @jaclyncosmetics @RichLux713 pic.twitter.com/3Fml0oZ6EZ
— Jess Scull (@thejessicascull) June 10, 2019
Ostali kupci prijavljuju groznu, grbavu i nepostojanu teksturu ruža. Jedna osoba čak tvrdi da je pronašla malu plastičnu kuglicu ugrađenu u proizvod.
I'm so confused. I just received my @jaclyncosmetics lipsticks today and after 1 use noticed all these lumps. I'm scared @Jaclynhill WTF is this!!! pic.twitter.com/PPiQg6I5oH
— Meghan James (@MeghanJ99490226) June 7, 2019
Why is my @jaclyncosmetics Decaf lipstick lumpy?? @Jaclynhill This cant be ok right?? #jaclyncosmetics #jaclynhill pic.twitter.com/xjffA4fUF1
— Veronica (@itsv_82) June 5, 2019
@Jaclynhill @jaclyncosmetics I am a huge supporter! Seriously love you. I was soooo excited to buy your lipsticks. Today when I went to put on "Decaf" ..I noticed there was a hard ball inside of it. What is it? Can I get a replacement? pic.twitter.com/D9acDVtDgH
— Krystal Duarte (@mizzgrizzlybee) June 7, 2019
Zatim, tu su i oni koji su naišli na sve vrste problema.
Used my lipsticks or the first time today and it crumbled.@Jaclynhill @jaclyncosmetics #SoUpset pic.twitter.com/CD2UZBHkjA
— Kaitlynnnnnnnnnnn (@KBuzinkai) June 7, 2019
@jaclyncosmetics I know you guys are super busy but my lipsticks all came broken in the mail ): can someone please reach out? I’ve emailed twice as well. @Jaclynhill I’m getting massive fomo knowing everyone who got theirs workspic.twitter.com/KCif7vIG3v
— Melody (@melodycgreen) June 3, 2019
Prema Twitteru, neki kupci čak razmatraju to da prijave Jaclyn Cosmetics FDA-i za kontaminaciju. Sama Jacklyn se obratila obožavateljima na Twitteru vezano uz novonastale probleme. Priznala je da neki od njezinih ruževa za usne imaju 'hrapavu' teksturu i obećala je da njezin tim radi na ispravljanju svih problema. Također, rekla je da niti u ruževima za usne nisu dlake, već vlakna iz zaštitnih rukavica koje se nose u tvornici. Radnici u tvornici su se već prebacili na gumene rukavice.
My team and I are working very hard on finding out EXACTLY what is causing the “grittiness & bumpy texture” on some of my lipsticks. I am so sorry to see some of you dissatisfied with my product. I will make it right for you & learn from this mistake! That’s a promise
— Jaclyn Hill (@Jaclynhill) June 8, 2019
Also, I have apologized to the first girl who tweeted me about her lipstick not being perfect. I reacted very unprofessionally & that’s never my intention. I always want you guys to be comfortable sharing your concerns with me.
— Jaclyn Hill (@Jaclynhill) June 8, 2019
If any of you are receiving lipsticks like this.... please know that this is NOT hair! My factory used brand new white gloves to do quality control & they shed all over my product! We switched to rubber gloves 2 days ago & will make sure this never happens again. https://t.co/qn6UTUJzRE
— Jaclyn Hill (@Jaclynhill) June 8, 2019
Iako se čini kao da mnogi ljudi imaju problema, Jaclynin tim izvještava da je nakon pregleda pritužbi zaključeno da je manje od 1 posto narudžbi zapravo imalo nedostatak.
Foto: Instagram Screenshot/ Twitter Screenshot
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